Expressions of Interest to become a Director of Kiteboarding Australia 2024

Published Tue 17 Sep 2024

Expressions of Interest to become a Director of Kiteboarding Australia 2024

As a Director of Kiteboarding Australia, you will be expected to demonstrate the experience required to contribute to standard board governance – a basic comfort with finance, budgeting, and the legal requirements of a company director.
Beyond this, our volunteer board members bring a passion for sport and some strong specialist skills. While a wide range of skill sets are required of particular relevance is: 

  • Events Strategy – experience in broadening the appeal and participation in sporting events
  • Volunteer Management and Strategy – we are dependent on engaged volunteers to deliver our offer to members. Experience in creating a national volunteer strategy that recruits and motivates at a grassroots level
  • Financial and/or accounting and / or legal expertise
  • Business Strategy, HR and Commercial development
  • Marketing expertise

This is an opportunity for an experienced professional to further enrich their career as an elected board member of Kiteboarding Australia Limited. Knowledge of Kiteboarding as a sport will be strongly advantageous to your role, although it is not essential.
We have strong operational experience on the board and in our General Manager. The requirement is for new directors to bring strong strategic and entrepreneurial talents which will help us grow participation and engagement.
You will be an individual that will act in the best interests of the organisation, sport and community. Commitment to the organisations strategic direction is a must. Board members should be willing to commit themselves and their time to ensuring the success of the organisation.
You will be prepared to attend general board meetings that occur 8 times per year (remote access is viable), the Annual General Meeting and actively participate in committees to help the development of the organisation.
At KA, we embrace differences in gender, age, ethnicity, race, cultural background, disability, religion and sexual orientation.

The Kiteboarding Australia Limited (KAL) Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to occur on 13th November 2024. Further details as to the exact time and location of such a meeting will be provided to members in the formal notice of meeting. Under the KAL Constitution (Constitution) the notice of meeting must be provided to members 21 days prior to the AGM.

Clause 22 of the Constitution requires nominations for positions on the KAL Board to be called for 56 days prior to the AGM. Accordingly, this letter serves as the formal call for nominations for two (2) vacant board positions to be filled at the AGM.

A Position Description (PD) has can be found below to provide further details about the positions up for nomination.

Nominations must be in writing on the attached prescribed form (Nomination Form), signed by a nominator and seconder (who must be individual members) and certified by the nominee expressing their willingness to accept the position for which they are nominated. Nominees must also complete their personal details and the 'Brief overview' section and attach a copy of their current Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the Nomination Form.

Download Position Description Here

The completed Nomination Form (and CV) must be received by the General Manager at least 28 days before the Annual General Meeting (by no later than 15th October 2024 and can be provided by post or email to:

General Manager
Kiteboarding Australia Limited
PO BOX 1274
West Perth, 6872, WA

If you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact Becky on 0499071116. 
