2017-18 season recap

Published Sun 08 Apr 2018

The 2017-18 season is now starting to drift behind, the was a summer full of wind, waves, sun and fun. 

The National Freestyle Series kicked off in great form with state title events happening right around the country, Safety Bay was the home of the national title and the success of the event has meant we are going back there next year to do it all again. In conjunction with our 5 state associations, we plan to expand this out to 5 wave events in the 18/19 season.

Kiteboarding has recently had it's first taste of the Olympics, a team of Australian youth kiteboarders took on the continental Youth Olympic Games qualifiers in Thailand, which secured Australia a place at the 2018 Youth Olympic Games in Argentina later this year. We look forward to sharing the developments of our Australian athletes selected for this event as we move closer to the games. The final team selection will occur post the worlds held in China next month.

There was an array of wave, racing and social events that occurred all around the country that involved our members and state associations. As things quite down over the winter season, we are going to be working hard to make sure we have another great season in this space. 

Kiteboarding Australia held a number of instructor courses across the country (from east to west). There is a solid cohort of trained instructors out there that are making sure kiteboarders learning the sport are doing so safely and responsibly. 

A massive thank-you to all the volunteers who have contributed over the summer, we can't thank you enough and we look forward to working with you and new volunteers moving into the new season. If you would like to volunteer in some capacity, please don't hesitate to get in contact with Kiteboarding Australia or your local state association. 

To Kiteboarding Australia's major partner Classic Holidays, your support is greatly appreciated. Classic Holidays is a long time supporter of Kiteboarding in Australia, they offer great holidays and escapes to people all around Australia, be sure to think of them next time you are planning your holiday!


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Season Recap